Rome, Italy


If you are a person of color reading this blog then this topic will most likely hit close to home. If you are not a POC then please keep reading to get a better view of some of the things I deal with during my travels. The topic of choice for my Rome, Italy blog is >>>> the mighty stares.


The stares were from locals and other tourists as well. I've experienced stares in many forms: impressed, amused, shocked, disgusted, or just plain confused. Does it bother me? Not really. In fact, I usually respond back with a smile or a laugh. Some will look away as soon as we make eye contact, and pretend like they were never looking.


Others gain the courage to approach me and have a chat, and sometimes they even ask for a picture. And that's one of things I really look forward to when I travel. Connecting with other people. I have gotten so used to the stares over the years to the point where I expect people to behave that way wherever I go.


I know my look is unique/different. I'm very dark skinned as you can see. My hair is proudly nappy :) AND I usually like to dress up nicely when I'm sightseeing, which can also explain why I stand out.


Either way, I choose to embrace the stares and I love standing out among the crowds proudly. God made me this way for a reason; popping flavor and dripping sauce since 1987 ;)


How do you handle situations similar to my experience? I'd love to know.