San Jose, Costa Rica

There has been a trending and unfortunately devastating story on the news these past few days. Not going to mention their name, but it’s regarding an American female tourist who was murdered in San Jose, Costa Rica. A destination that is ranked among the safest countries to visit. As someone who usually travels solo this is one of my biggest fears. You never know what intentions most strangers out there have for you. And it doesn’t even matter weather you’re overseas or not. These incidents can and does occur here at home. 

Hearing such heart breaking events regarding other fellow world travelers can be a bit traumatic. It affects my psyche by making me spend so much time and energy being extra cautious and semi paranoid, when the whole purpose of my travel is to stay open minded and ready to explore a new culture and being interactive with those native to that land. There has to be a balance between fun and safety, especially as a woman. 

I like to set up safety measures before I leave for my solo trips. Someone I know and trust has to know my detailed travel itinerary. It could be a significant other, sibling, or a close friend. Another helpful measure is enrolling in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, also known as STEP. The U.S state department’s STEP helps travelers 

  1. Get country specific travel advisories delivered to your inbox.

  2. Expedite passport recovery and emergency services.

  3. Assist in your own evacuation.

  4. Receive urgent information from home. 

Use the link below to learn more about STEP.

Here are other travel safety tips that I’d like to share:

  1. First aid kit

  2. Portable charger/s.

  3. Copy of my passport (I leave my actual passport in the hotel safe lock). When I’m overseas I usually just carry my driver’s license and a copy of my passport.

  4. Snacks bars, nuts, and dried fruits.

  5. Vitamins.

I’d like to hear what other safety precautions you take as a traveler before and when wandering the cities/states/countries of our beautiful planet...

Pura vida :)