Chefchaouen, Morocco

The Blue Pear of Morocco.

In case you're wondering if this city is truly blue... YES INDEED.

If walking the streets of Chefchaouen is not enough to proof to you how beautifully blue this city is, then hike up to the Spanish Mosque to get a better glimpse of this blue pearl. 

The city has some very chill vibes to it. A lot of foot traffic from tourists indeed, but it wasn't overwhelming at all.

The people are very polite and friendly. Most of them were shocked to hear me speak to them in Arabic. My accent is different but we were still able to understand each other. These days its easier and convenient to just say I'm Sudanese rather than an American. Perfect way to avoid politics talks. You never know who's on which side, and I don' want to offend anyone in their homeland. 

Lots of photo op ally ways in Chefchaouen, but the city is so small. I'm not exaggerating when I say I was able to walk almost all of Chefchaouen in just one day. 

Delicious breakfast prepared by the host at the hotel

There are many ways to get to Chefchaouen from other cities within Morocco. I was coming from Marrakech, and most people take the train of the bus to get there. For my commute, getting to Chefchaouen was an eight hour car ride from Marrakesh. I payed for a private car with a driver for my trip to Chefchaouen. The cost of the ride was 89 Euros or around 973 Moroccan Dirham. The driver picked me up from my hotel doorstep. I didn't want to take the train or the bus route. The trip was relaxing and I enjoyed the countryside views. 

Is the Blue Pearl City on your travel list yet?